Table X-A. Crosswalk Locations.

Grandview Drive at its intersection with Forsythia Lane (western intersection) (Ord. 2309)
Old Bonhomme Road at its intersection with the east line of Crosswinds Drive extended northwardly (Ord. 1296)
Old Bonhomme Road at its intersection with the pedestrian walkway serving Stacy Park (Ord. 2104)
Old Bonhomme Road at its intersection with Stoneyside Lane (Ord. 2104)
Olivette Community Center Drive at its east intersection with Grandview at 9710 Grandview Drive for eastbound traffic and at 9711 Grandview Drive for westbound traffic (Ord. 1514)
R.O. 2008 Ch. 270, Sch. M; Ord. No. 1296, 11-13-1979; Ord. No. 1514, 5-27-1986; Ord. No. 2104, 1-22-2002; Ord. No. 2309, 3-14-2006