Table V-A. Streets Upon Which Certain Commercial Vehicles Are Prohibited.

In accordance with Section 365.070 of this Title, commercial vehicles in excess of one (1) ton gross weight shall not be operated upon any of the following streets or parts of streets:
Alice Place (Ord. 1129)
All of the streets within Oak Estates Subdivision, excluding that portion of Newcastle between Olive Boulevard and the north line of the residential lots (Ord. 977)
Dielman Road from south City limits to Olive Boulevard
Indian Meadows Drive
Old Bonhomme Road from Olive Boulevard to eastern City limits (Ord. 839)
Price Road from south City limits to Olive Boulevard
R.O. 2008 Ch. 270, Sch. H; Ord. No. 839, 6-25-1968; Ord. No. 977, 10-26-1971; Ord. No. 1129, 10-8-1974